Consulting Services

For Parents

Whether you're cooperatively planning for your children’s needs after separating, you don’t speak to one another at all or are contemplating a court-ordered custody evaluation and fearful of someone else defining when you can be with your children, I understand the simultaneous demands of addressing your own needs as well as those of your children, and the importance of a confidential place for support. I’m able to guide you when the stakes are high involving the long-term well-being of your children and your own coping needs going forward.  My background in family court, child development, couple therapy, special needs children, and parenting after infertility uniquely equips me to strengthen your parenting decisions when circumstances are most challenging and when protecting your children's best interests is paramount. I have the training and experience to know what works for kids under these circumstances. I can help you feel less overwhelmed, to set priorities for you and your children, avoid pitfalls and develop a course of action to not just cope through these losses, but have more confidence as you move forward.

For Mental Health Professionals

Family therapy, marital counseling and parent guidance is meaningful and challenging work. When parents live in different households, however, parent counseling takes on new dimension that requires treatment goals be formulated differently. Creating and maintaining careful boundaries may reduce the risk of therapy disruption or license complaints later on.  In spite of your training and skill, some requests from parents in divorce-related stress may seem to expose you to legal or ethical risk, yet you don't want to abandon your patient. I can help you plan a course that protects your treatment relationship while maintaining the boundaries of your professional role. Handled carefully, these may lead to critical therapy gains rather than lost sleep for you.

For Legal Professionals

Serious allegations make parents vulnerable to losing their child-focus, becoming more entrenched and possibly escalating their level of conflict. My experience is both as an experienced high-conflict family therapist and a court-appointed child custody evaluator. I can help you determine when an evaluation may be necessary or which therapeutic interventions may be appropriate. What are the circumstances that make settlement less helpful than seeking a neutral child custody evaluation? What are the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing a parent coordinator? “Reunification therapy” benefits from a specific structure, attendance and timing that requires precise legal and mental health teamwork. I can help you match your clients’ circumstances to the interventions most likely to be helpful. Consultation is available regarding children’s best interests or the evaluation process itself.